For more than 10 years we have been helping companies achieve their financial and business goals. IBS is a value-based agency.

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What You Will Need as a Business Owner in Canada

IBS consultants have added a selection of international services in Canada to their collection of services so as to help a large number of businesses from Asia and Europe – especially Middle East – be able to create value for their customers. These services will be offered and presented under the supervision of IBS experts with the best possible quality.

Some of these services are as follows.

  • Registering Canadian companies for you and your products/services to get licensed, represented or franchised by a Canadian company
  • Renting virtual office whose amenities and capabilities can be used for commercial and business relations with commercial centers such as Canada, the U.S. or even other important commercial destinations across the globe
  • Registering trademarks in the continent of North America and based on Madrid System with a simpler procedure compared to those of other countries while being credible in 40 countries across the world.
  • Organizational Standardization Certificate based on IBS-9-BC-2023 Protocol
  • Providing the foundations for issuance of ISO certificates in various areas associated with quality, branding, customer satisfaction, and voice of the customer (VOC)
  • Designing websites and helping with SEO development as well as Google-based advertisement

All in all, we will help you create a greater identity in the eyes, and the minds, of your customers, expanding your business and commerce with technical supervision based on American and Canadian standards. Using your Canadian services, the customers will believe you to be better than before and will accompany you with greater interest than ever.

If you are willing to reserve these services or choose one – or a number – of them, you can click here to be directed to the related form.

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